This article is not medical or healthcare advice. Before starting on any health or medical related regimen seek the advice of your Primary Care Physician or an M.D.
There are countless folks in the chronic illness community, who offer something like the following, "I am down to like 5 foods, what they heck do i eat!?".
There isn't a simple one size solution, especially when one gets backed into a corner - oxalates, phenols, salycilates, histamine, candida, mold, and porphyria (heme issues). Consider the following:
Sugars, simple grains like white rice, and fruits can promote candida.
Candida can use ketones as fuel. The clients with the highest levels of arabinose (candida marker) - were ones on a ketogenic diet, thinking they were managing candida.
Folks with compromised SULT1A1 enzymes, have trouble processing oxalates, phenols, and sulfur. Oxidized glutathione (compromised GSR gene), toxicity, mold all can cause this along with a shortage of B2.
The glutathione recycling gene (GSR) uses B2 as its cofactor. No B2 = oxidized glutathione = SULT1A1 isnt working = cant process sulfur, phenols, oxalates.
Zearalanone depletes B2.
B2 needs selenium, molybdenum, and iodine to be functional.
Folks with significant oxalate issues have significant mal absorption issues usually, especially related to minerals.
Almost all glutathione enzymes use selenium as their cofactor.
Mycotoxins, especially Ochratoxin A, and Zearalanone are commonly found in high levels in corn, soy, wheat. These are foods that are also highest in glyphosate (non GMO).
Glyphosate is molecularly very very similar to Glycine, and inserts itself where glycine is needed (see S. Seneff research).
Where is glycine used (just a few examples):
To make glutathione (made up of glycine, cysteine, and glutamine)
To potentiate the NMDA receptors
Glycine is the primary substrate in the heme cycle - to make heme - which makes hemoglobin and helps deliver oxygen. Heme is also needed to make iron useable, and then stored in Ferritin.
To conjugate volatile organic compounds like benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, styrne, xylene
To conjugate phenols and salycilates in the gut
Ochratoxin A - inhibits the gene HMOX1 , used to store iron into ferritin after heme is attached.
HMOX1 is also used to control Mast Cells
IL-10, which is mast controller of our innate immune system is dysregulated by Zearalanone, Citrinin, and GlioToxin.
What regulates IL-10 ? The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR)!
What foods promote or excite the ARH and thus can over stimulate IL-10 ?
Crucerferous veggies. Any questions why the infamous Jordan Pederson felt 'better' on carnivore ? And any surprise he had mold toxicity !? Nope.
It appears corn, soybeans, and wheat - especially GMO versions with glyphosate would appear directionally to mess with the heme cycle in at least three important ways:
Insert itself as the basic substrate needed in the heme cycle instead of glycine
Compromise glutathione status
Expose ourselves to mycotoxins that compromise not only the immune system, our gut, but perhaps most important our heme cycle
The biological action of anti fungals sprayed on veggies and fruits (strawberries, etc) is to stop the heme cycle - guess what the same heme cycle is vastly similar in humans.
Heme is fundamental in the following systems in our body:
CYP450 enzymes (Phase 1 Detox) - use 40% of the body's heme
Glutathione peroxidase enzymes (GPX1 - 8)
Tryptophan metabolism (IDO1, IDO2, etc)
Iron, hemoglobin, oxygen delivery, and ferritin storage (low ferritin)
Mast Cell containment
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS: NOS2, NOS3, etc)
SULT1A1 - used to process phenols, oxalates, and sulfur
Just pause here for a second, and go through this list above. You couldn't pick a more representative list of systems effected in chronic illnesses if you tried. All these folks are fatigued, toxic, have high levels of oxidative stress, cognition issues, nitric oxide issues, mast cell issues, sulfur issues, etc.
Recently, an organization called drugwatch contacted me and asked me to share the following:
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world by commercial gardeners. It is found to be highly toxic and can cause many short-term and long-term health effects. Not to mention it can be harmful to important pollinators such as honey bees.
To help educate those in the farming and gardening industries about this toxic chemical, we've created two comprehensive guides. They cover things like what it is used for, symptoms, and possible health risks:
Why in the world would we knowingly expose ourselves to GMO corn, soy, and wheat ? Including all the by products that further concentrate it like corn syrup, soybean oil, etc. Of course other GMO products have some of these things, but these 3 are literally the perfect storm.
Knowledge is power. Next up, how to test if the above is going on and where to start........